Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Okay, so mostly I'm just writing this here on my blog so I'll feel more accountable, and really stick to this challenge. My roommate, Mariah and I have decided to give ourselves a challenge to go without sugar until Thanksgiving. We are going to try and be generally healthy in what we eat, but we really want to see if we can go without sugar. We split a celebratory orange roll tonight for our last hurrah. She being very steadfast and determined will probably do way better than I, who am forgetful and flighty. Hopefully she'll give me a hard time if I cheat or forget! Starting tomorrow! We can do it!


Cutey said...

Good luck! I'm sure you can do it. It's only really hard the first month or so, but so worth it after that! Wishing the best for you!

rebecca said...

umm.. i personally think this is an awful idea.

Cory Nielsen said...
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