Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thing I love...

Here is a list of thing I love, especially at the moment:
1. Painting my nails lemon yellow
2. Eating picnic style dinner in front of a movie with my parents. This week it was Chinese food!
3. The smell of Barnes and Noble...and Barnes and Noble in general.
4. New dresses
5. Listening to musicals with my mom. This week it was Carousel and 1776.
6. Doing fake ballet around the kitchen to the Carousel overture (one of my absolute favorite pieces of music of all time)
7. Buying books on CD for the road trip!
8. Planning our stops on the road trip!
9. Anticipation of good things to come
10. Watching movies just for the amazing costumes. This week: BBC's Daniel Deronda
11. Ikea fries/Walking around Ikea, furnishing my future house in my head.
12. Seeing a huge herd of the tiniest baby turkeys follow their mama across my front yard.
13. My sister! Happy Birthday (a day late) G! Love you so so much Schmoopy-Linus!

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